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Please note that on Sunday 20th October we will meet with Christ Church Wyre Forest as explained below, and you are welcome to join us there. The church building in Greatfield Road will not be open! We plan to be back on Sunday 27th October.

Welcome to the website for Kidderminster Evangelical Church. We meet most Sunday mornings at 10:30 at the church building in Greatfield Road and would love to welcome you to join us. We also live-stream our Sunday services. Please contact us for more information about our Sunday services and other activities during the week.

Important notice! Times are changing for the church over July to December 2024! Our Pastor Philip Hearn retired at the end of June after 27 faithful years service. Over the summer many activities will continue as usual, but please do keep an eye on this page and on our programme for any last-minute changes.

Most important! One Sunday a month we will be meeting in Stourport at 10:00 with Christ Church Wyre Forest (CCWF). On these dates the building in Greatfield Road will not be open: 28th July, 18th August, 15th September, 20th October, 17th November. Please see the CCWF website for location details and our programme for more information.

Changes ahead! We are excited to be planning and praying about a new church, Grace Church Kidderminster, which we hope will start to meet from January 2025. Our hope is that we will join with Christ Church Wyre Forest and some current members of Woodgreen Church (Worcester) to form GCK as a bible-believing church for Kidderminster and the Wyre Forest. At that point, Kidderminster Evangelical Church in its current form will cease to exist.

For now, please find below a A word of welcome, a brief history of the church, our Statement of Faith and links to various church documents.

“And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” – Acts 2:42



A word of welcome

Welcome to our website! Whether you found us by accident, or were searching for a church in Kidderminster, you are very welcome – please browse our website to find out more about what takes place at church.

Who are we? We are a group of around twenty Christians, making up a local church. We love God and want to worship and serve Him through faith in his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour. This isn’t because we’re trying to get into God’s good books, rather it’s our response to his great love for us. Most of all, that was shown in Jesus’ death on a Roman cross to pay the penalty for our failure to love and obey God. We know that because Jesus did that, we can trust Him for forgiveness and to be made right with God – because as the bible says, and history attests, Jesus rose from the dead and is now on the throne of the universe in heaven.

Sadly, we are no way perfect! but we believe that the bible is God’s truth for the whole world. We have found that He makes Himself known to us through the bible, making us new by his power and continuing to change us to be the people he designed us to be.

Our priority is now, individually and as church, to seek with the help of God the Holy Spirit, to hear, understand and apply the teaching of the bible to every area of our lives – so that we might live to honour Jesus. We are also committed to the task of making known God’s call to all people to turn from living life for themselves and to trust and follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.

We are an independent but mainstream Christian church with links through our membership of the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC) with many other like-minded bible churches across this country.

If would like to know more, or have questions about the church or about the Christian faith please do get in touch or come and join us next Sunday. We will give you a warm welcome if you are searching for meaningful answers to life or if you are a Christian looking for a church in which to enjoy the blessings of Christian fellowship and service together.

Phil Weber

Elder – KEC

History of the Church

Kidderminster Evangelical Church, Greatfield Road has served Kidderminster since the 1930s. Today we still seek to be a contemporary Bible-based church serving Jesus and making him known. We are a welcoming fellowship. Our activities are open to all.

There is a growing programme of meetings ranging from Sunday worship services, midweek Bible study and prayer meetings, a “stay and play” for the youngest children (“Polly’s KETL“) and recreational clubs for children and adults.

Our world-wide vision includes supporting overseas missionaries, relief and development work in the Third World and Birmingham City Mission.

Statement of faith

We believe in:

  1. The full inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; their authority and sufficiency as not only containing, but being in themselves, the Word of God; the reliability of the New Testament in its testimony to the character and authorship of the Old Testament; and the need of the teaching of the Holy Spirit to a true and spiritual understanding of the whole.
  2. The unity of the Godhead and the divine coequality of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; the Sovereignty of God in Creation, Providence and Redemption.
  3. The utter depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall, and the necessity of regeneration.
  4. The true and proper Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ; His virgin birth; His real and perfect manhood; the authority of His teaching and the infallibility of all His utterances; His work of atonement for sinners of mankind by His vicarious sufferings and death; His bodily resurrection and His ascension into Heaven; and His present priestly intercession for His people.
  5. The justification of the sinner solely by faith, through the atoning merits of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
  6. The necessity of the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration, conversion, and sanctification, also in ministry and worship.
  7. The resurrection of the body, the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ with the eternal blessedness of the righteous and the eternal punishment of the wicked.
  8. The observance of Baptism as an ordinance of divine institution, but not as conveying any regenerating grace; and the observance of the Lord’s Supper as a commemoration of our Lord’s death, but not as being a sacrifice for sin, nor involving any change of the substance of the bread and wine.
  9. The personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ in Glory.

This Declaration of Faith, 1936, is unalterable.

Policies and other documents

This is the website for Kidderminster Evangelical Church. We hope you find the information on this site useful, and would be delighted to meet you at one of our meetings.